Supporting Others = My Success

- Make it interesting and engaging- Create an opportunity for a two-way conversation - not a long-winded monologue
- Know what you want to accomplish by attending this event and prepare yourself for it to happen-Take steps to make it happen when you arrive at the event (i.e.have the organizer introduce you to the specific person you want to meet)
- The early bird gets the worm. Arrive early to meet the organizers, speakers and other guests- Offer to help; there may be an opportunity for you to help the event be successful while also building your network such as helping at the registration table or being an event Ambassador - both are great opportunities to meet people and learn more about them without "selling" anything
- If it is stressful to you to not know anyone at a networking event, you are not alone. Try making it about someone else and reach out to the next person you see standing alone at an event and see what happens. Usually what begins as two people feeling awkward and uncomfortable, not knowing anyone, becomes two people, (usually more as others are welcomed in), getting to know each other, finding out what they have in common and building a bond of "safety" in an otherwise stressful moment.
- You have a purpose for attending this event. You owe it to yourself to accomplish that purpose, so you must learn to exit gracefully when you find yourself in a conversation that drags on and on (and on and on). My advise is to politely ask for their card and invite them to meet someone else you know or met earlier at the event. Ask if they would like to connect on social media and join your network. Then graciously excuse yourself and get back to accomplishing your goals for the event.
-Many professionals neglect this step in the networking process and essentially waste the time they spent attending the event. Don't let this be you. Within 24 hours, reach out to each contact via handwritten card or digital email, connect with them on social media and initiate one-on-one meetings with those you would like to know better. Set yourself apart by being consistent and intentional with your follow-up methods.