About This Episode


Dennis is a trial lawyer who has practiced law for over forty years has been instrumental in cases and litigation that surround construction and construction defects. Coming from humble beginnings, Dennis, credits the gateway of home ownership as the way that his parents were able to provide for him throughout his life. He is passionate about seeing people own homes of their own and advocating for the construction industry and the people involved in it.  Dennis believes face to face and personal conversations are hugely important in establishing strong relationships with those around us. He believes every action we take towards one another plays a part in the big picture of building social capital. Principle #1: Integrity only comes in ONE size. Principle #2: the Circle of Friendship - once you are inside the circle of friendship, you are always there. Principle #3: Never be so bold/arrogant that you never back down - accept that you are wrong.  If you have done something that puts you outside the circle of friendship, admit that you are wrong, take a step back and readdress what has happened to get back on track. Dennis suggests that we become involved in public service and become involved in the community around you. He believes our lives are enriched by having a life outside our professional life helping us to be well-rounded people. He encourages us to show older people reverence and to be willing to meet the other person where they are. Technology aids with time management and Dennis encourages us to master technology to help us become more efficient in our daily activities. He reminds us to take time to care for ourselves, travel the world and take time to spend in nature. Currently, Dennis is taking on the “No Growth” litigation we face in Colorado and he’s finishing a book that he plans to be released soon. 


Name: Dennis Polk

Company: Holley, Albertson & Polk, P.C.



About Sarah Frances McDaniel

Welcome to Social Capital Expert, a show where we discover the value of Social Capital and how cultivating strategic relationships is critical to our success. In each episode, your host Sarah Frances McDaniel, will explore the stories of fascinating people from all over the world to understand how their ability to build relationships has led to their success. We will uncover tips, tricks and practical ways that you too can become a Social Capital Expert.  

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