Birthday Month!

It’s my BIRTHDAY month!
As I anticipate turning 35, I choose to be excited about what the future holds!
For as long as I can remember I have counted down the days until my birthday (usually beginning around 150 days out! Ha!) and these last few years people have said, “Aren’t you dreading it?”, “Why are you so excited to get older?”, or “Just wait, a day will come when you aren’t so excited about it”.
Well, I sure hope I continue to celebrate, rejoice and look to the future with eager anticipation of what’s to come. If our lives aren’t where we want them to be, we can change that!
Today’s is the first day of the rest of our lives and the beginning of the best of our lives!
#perceptionISeverything #beYOU #beHAPPY #grateful^thankful #35yearsstrong #letsCELEBRATE #Nov3